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Thursday, 22 December 2016

Mahathir: "It’s almost like free money. If you didn’t borrow, then you are stupid. So, I borrowed."

There was an interesting article yesterday where Mahathir tried to rewrite history when trying to defend himself. As usual, Mahathir's replies were full of self-delusion and outright lies.

Mahathir: Economic woes not from my time

Dr Mahathir Mohamad denies the state of the Malaysian economy today is due to the lack of economic reforms when he was in power, iMoney reported. 
He was responding to an opinion piece written by the University of Chicago’s Dan Slater, who had said that the road toward Malaysia’s economic ruin started when he was prime minister and not with current Prime Minister Najib Razak. 
Slater had also accused Mahathir of not making the adjustments needed to pull the country out of its crisis, but instead burdening the state with more borrowing and spending. 
“That is not true. If the crisis was caused by me, I would have, during my 22 years, faced the problem of debt payments, recession and all that.
No recession problem?  Hello, there were multiple recessions and slow-downs during your 22 years - the 1985 recession, the 1998 recession, the 2001 slowdown all happened. 

How is it even possible for Mahathir to deny this and say that with a straight face?

If he is still forgetful, all he needs to do to is to go visit Plaza Rakyat, Lembah Beringin, Duta Grand Hyatt and Bandar Wawasan (Vision City), which were among dozens of developments abandoned due to the 1998 crisis.

The still abandoned Plaza Rakyat - otherwise known as Kuala Lumpur's largest inner-city fish-pond -cum-Aedes mosquito breeding project
After almost two decades of being abandoned during Mahathir's time, Plaza Rakyat is only now being rescued and revived.

This would be similar to the rescue of Bandar Wawasan, which has now become Quill City Mall in 2012 after DBKL had ordered that all abandoned eye-sores in Kuala Lumpur be rescued..

Mahathir left Vision City like this.

Revived in 2012 during Najib's time to become like this. Open's today.

From abandoned developments, neglected development of Sabah, Sarawak and the east coast of peninsular, tolls, capital controls to IPP power plants, public transportation and economic rebalancing, the current Najib government has to continue correcting all of Mahathir's mistakes and wrongs.

Mahathir continues defending himself and said this:
On the issue of borrowing, Mahathir denied having made extensive borrowings during his 22 years as prime minister. 
Mahathir admitted he had even tried to borrow when the country faced the currency crisis in the late 1990s but failed to get the funds needed. 
“Otherwise, everyone can see my record of borrowing. Very little. Even during the currency crisis, we did try to borrow but failed
Did not borrow much? 

How about a 235% jump of our debt-to-GDP ratio within the first 5 years of taking over?

Yup.. In 1985, thanks to Mahathir our Debt-to-GDP ratio more than doubled to 103.4% from just 44%. Worse was that, unlike today, much of those borrowings were in foreign currency.

That year, if our country's income was RM100, we owed RM103.40 - the so-called technically bankrupt then. 

How did Mahathir forget this?

Compare this with our Debt-to-GDP ratio today of 53.6% - meaning if our income is RM100, we comfortably owe RM53.60.

Also, remember earlier when Mahathir said "no recession"?

Well, if no recession then why did you have to go beg Singapore, Japan and others to borrow?

And of course Singapore rejected your request since for decades you had been whacking them.

Mahathir then goes on to say this:
On the issue of borrowing, Mahathir denied having made extensive borrowings during his 22 years as prime minister. 
“Please show when did I borrow money. I only borrowed money from the Japanese because their offer was at the low interest rate of 0.7%, and it was repayable over 40 years. 
“It’s almost like free money. If you didn’t borrow, then you are stupid. So, I borrowed,” he told iMoney.
On June 1, 1981, 100 Japanese Yen was equal to RM1.06.

By the time Mahathir left on 31 Oct 2003, 100 Japanese Yen had shot up almost 3 1/2 fold to RM3.49

Since ALL of the borrowings that Mahathir borrowed on behalf of Malaysia from the Japanese (and he borrowed a lot) were all denominated in Japanese Yen, the 3 1/2 fold appreciation of the Yen during his time made the borrowings super expensive since Mahathir neglected to hedge or manage this currency rate.

For example, a RM50 billion borrowings in yen would end up costing RM150 billion. 

Rahman claimed that Mahathir had borrowed substantially from Japan, with loans denominated in yen. However, the subsequent appreciation of the yen’s value had caused significant losses to the country. 
“The current government is determined not to repeat this mistake. That is why the government’s debt is denominated in ringgit and is only marginally affected by foreign currency exchange movements.”
Yes. We learned - thanks to Mahathir. Malaysia now have very small amounts of foreign-currency denominated loans.

Mahathir even admitted this :
The yen's ascent to record levels is straining the finances of East Asian governments that have borrowed heavily from Japan and now must pay Tokyo back in a now more expensive currency. 
"We tried to renegotiate the loan in order to reduce slightly our debt burden to Japan," Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohammad of Malaysia said in a recent speech in Japan. But, he added, "We were not given even one yen reduction."
It’s almost like free money. If you didn’t borrow, then you are stupid. So, I borrowed,” said Mahathir.

And Mahathir said the above only yesterday - not many many years ago.

Now that history has shown otherwise, who the stupid now?

The only stupid ones are those who still believe in your never-ending lies and denials.

An equally insane statement was this in Lim Guan Eng's closing speech on Dec 4th 2016 at the DAP annual conference which Mahathir attended
Umno resorting to racial games is a sign of desperation, says DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng. 
He said unlike Umno’s current president Najib Razak, Dr Mahathir Mohamad had never resorted to such a “dirty tactic” in all his 22 years leading the party. 
“Mahathir, at the Umno general assemblies in his time, never painted DAP as his number one enemy. 
“He didn’t have to do this as he was able to manage the country and its economy well.
Oh wow!

It is as if we were all in coma for 22 years or we all completely forgot what DAP had been saying about Malaysia - the time-bombs, the failed states, the mega-scandals, the economic crisis of 1985 and 1998. No RM30b Forex scandal, no crony IPP, no Bumi policy "stunting" our economy, no PKFZ mega scandal approved by Mahathir. Nothing.

And also Mahathir never called Lim Kit Siang or DAP as racist. Never before.

Suddenly, just because Mahathir is now on their side, Lim Guan Eng now says Mahathir was never racist and had managed the country and economy well for 22 years.

How much more unprincipled can you be?

I pity those DAP supporters forced to listen to his blatant lying.

LGE and DAP are devoid of principles.

That means whatever you all have been saying for 22 years in the TENS OF THOUSANDS of ceramahs, statements, interviews were total lies, right?

So, why should anyone want to trust DAP anymore?

DAP also assumes we are stupid?

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Why Malaysia does not want to peg the Ringgit like it did in 1998

Malaysia was one of the only countries to impose capital controls during the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis by fixing the exchange rate and requiring the currency be held at least a year after the sale of Malaysian securities or assets in the country. It was widely viewed as a major contributing factor to its subsequent economic recovery.

At that time, Malaysia suddenly pegged the ringgit but it did not use the traditional route of a peg by using our Foreign Reserves to buy or sell foreign exchange to support the Ringgit at that level.  This was because our FOREX levels were very low then since Mahathir gambled and lost RM30 billion of our reserves by speculating in the FOREX markets.

So, what Malaysia did was to impose capital controls - meaning controlling the inflows and outflows of Ringgit and making it internationally non-tradeable. This essentially means it is easy for foreigners to bring money into Malaysia but once the money is in, it is very hard to bring back out.

However, although it had helped stablize our economy for the short-term then, the long-term damage of capital controls was immense and long-lasting - after all, who would want to invest in your country but once the money is in, I can'; bring it back out?

On Nov 18 2016, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) assistant governor Adnan Zaylani Mohamad Zahid said it has no intention of imposing capital controls and is merely clamping down hard on speculative activities on the ringgit,
Adnan assures that Malaysia remains an open economy and conditions do not warrant measures as drastic as capital controls, dismissing its one week old action against NDF trades, as merely tighter enforcement of existing rules.

"The situation and conditions are vastly different [from 1998 Asian financial crisis]. Now we have a very open economy. Investors come and go in our market... Even if we contemplate [capital controls], it is far too damaging and too risky for the economy... I just can't see that. So definitely no capital controls. There is no discussion of moving in that direction, but what we're trying to do is have a targeted measure to try and contain the offshore NDF market," he said.

"The ringgit being non-internationalised is one protection that we have and that would already prevent the kind of destabilising forex market that we had in 1998," he added, assuring there remains ample liquidity in the onshore market.
In fact, one of the reasons why the Ringgit spiked so much and so steeply after it passed RM3.80 was because foreign investors are afraid that we will take the easy way out and re-impose capital controls again.

Many investors would be suspicious of us since we had a track-record of doing this - hence they would rather sell their investments in Malaysia first and then bring it back out - which weakens the Ringgit - just in case we impose capital controls again and their money is stuck.

Local investors and wealthy individuals will also do the same and will quickly transfer their money overseas too. Who wants their money to be stuck?

That is why you see our country's leaders and BNM keep on making numerous repeated denials ever so often to deny we would implement capital controls.

This suspicion by investors that we will implement capital controls again is one of the long-term effect of what Mahathir did and it is still hurting us today.

If you look at the foreign investment inflows into Malaysia chart, you will see that foreign inflows suddenly spiked after 2005. Why is that?

That was because in May 2006, Pak Lah unpegged the Ringgit and relaxed the capital controls on our currency.

And because investments were weak - especially portfolio investments, Mahathir had to run high budget deficit rates to pump-prime the economy using government money to replace private and foreidn investments to keep Malaysia growing.

You can see that the budget deficit was above 5% of GDP, which is considered high for a sustained period of time until Mahathir retired in 2003.

Despite this, the economy also went into a serious slow-down in 2001 and was lack-luster for much of this period.

Malaysia would not have been able to survive if we continue to run high budget deficits of above 5% for a sustained period of time - as it would mean our govt debt spiking.

As a comparison, here is the budget deficit since 2008 after Najib took over.

As you can see, other than having a big deficit in 2009 and 2010 to save us from the Great Global Recession,  Najib has been able to maintain decent GDP growth since then while still reducing the budget deficit. In 2016, the budget deficit would be 3.1% and for 2017, it is budgeted for a deficit of 3%.

Let;s have a look at the effects on the government debt based on the information in the table given by the Economic Planning Unit.

It is clear from the graph above that such sustained big increases of government debt during the Mahathir last 7 years after he pegged the currency and imposed capital controls is a certain path to disaster.

Given the large deficits, poor growth and sustained high percentage growth in government debt during that period, we can easily say that those 7 years were "lost years" for Malaysia. Mahathir at that time probably did not understand or didn't care for the long-term damage at that time as he would be retiring anyway.

It must be noted that countries such as Korea, Thailand and Indonesia were affected worse than Malaysia but did not impose capital controls or pegged their currencies then. Only Malaysia did it.

These countries also subsequently recovered at the same time as Malaysia. And because confidence is intact, investment flows to those countries accelerated leaving Malaysia behind.

This is why Najib continues to resist pegging the currency by imposing capital controls and why BNM said the previous capital controls were "far too damaging" and risky to our economy.

After all, our govt knows that it is the USD that is at a 14 year strongest against most currencies and that our largest trading partner's currency, China, is at an 8 year low too.

Thus, pegging our currency at a strong position while our largest customers currencies and competing economies are weak is a certain recipe for disaster for Malaysia. And of course there is the long-term damage

The opposition leaders led by Mahathir keep attacking Najib's government using the Ringgit weakness as "proof" that Malaysia is going bankrupt.

But the easiest thing for Najib to do is to follow exactly what Mahathir did and re-impose capital controls and peg the ringgit. Problem solved.

Cannot be that Mahathir can do it but Najib cannot, right?

However, Najib and the current government knows how damaging for our long-term and he does not choose the easy cowardly way out - like what Mahathir did.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

10 Petunjuk: Malaysia dalam KRISIS?

Sedap mulut para pemimpin pembangkang seperti Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Kit Siang dan sebagainya sering menuduh Malaysia sekarang dalam krisis dan oleh itu, perlu "diselamatkan".

KLCC hancur diserang alien. Pakatan Harapan akan lawan alien demi"selamatkan Malaysia"

Setiap pemimpin pembangkang dan blogger2 yang sewaktu dengan mereka sering keluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan begini. Malaysia dalam krisis ekonomi, bankrap, pengemis di negara sendiri, negara gagal dan sebagainya.

Propaganda-propaganda media sosial yang sama berbunyi dari entah siapa juga melambak dan viral.

Mahathir mudah lupa, Muhyiddin lupa mudah, Melayu mudah lupa dan rakyat Malaysia mudah lupa.

Mari kita menyelidik sepuluh petunjuk samada Malaysia dalam krisis atau tidak.

1. Indeks saham Bursa Malaysia.

Indeks saham ialah petunjuk yang baik bahawa Malaysia bukan dalam krisis. Kalau benar-benar krisis, indeks saham akan menjunam seperti di tahun 1998 zaman Mahathir dan Anwar bila indeks saham menjunam lebih dari 80% dalam masa yang singkat.

Kalau Malaysia dalam krisis, siapa lagi akan melabur dan membeli saham? Tentu kalau krisis, semua akan jual saham-saham yang dipegang dan belah.

Sebaliknya, indeks saham hari ini masih lebih dua kali ganda dari indeks tahun 2009 bila Najib Razak mula mentadbir.

2. Pendaftaran Kenderaan Baru.

Kalau Malaysia dalam krisis, maksudnya jualan dan pendaftaran kereta baru akan menjunam - seperti pada tahun 1998 yang jatuh lebih dari 59% dalam jangka masa satu tahun.

Sebaliknya, penjualaan kereta di Malaysia masih kukuh di paras yang tinggi berbanding tahun sebelumnya - walaupun mengalami kejatuhan 13% kerana perintah Bank Negara untuk mengurangkan pinjaman bank untuk pembeli kenderaan dan rumah.

3. Matawang Ringgit ke USD

Sebenarnya, Ringgit hanya jatuh 16% berbanding dengan kadar pada tahun 2009. Kadar FOREX sememangnya ada naik dan turun. Kenaikkan Ringgit tahun 2009 to 2013 kepada tahap setinggi USD1 = RM 2.93 ialah kerana faktor harga minyak dunia yang tinggi dan aliran wang asing masuk ke Malaysia kerana kemelut ekonomi Amerika Syarikat.

Pada tahun 2014 pula, harga minyak dunia mula turun dan aliran wang asing sudah mula mengalir balik kepada Amerika Syarikat kerana ekonomi mereka pulih.

Tetapi dalam tahun 1998, kejatuhan Ringgit sebanyak 45% berlaku pada masa yang sangat singkat - tanpa pengaruh faktor-faktor lain seperti harga komoditi dunia ataupun kemelut di ekonomi Amerika. Ini benar-benar krisis dan tidak sama dengan keadaan sekarang.

Ini ialah sebab Ringgit terpaksa ditambat ke paras USD1=RM3.80 pada masa itu.

Situasi sekarang tahun 2016 tidak memerlukan kerajaan tambat matawang kerana kestabilan matawang masih terkawal. Lebih-lebih lagi, matawang-matawang negara pelanggan dan yang besaing dengan Malaysia juga turun berbanding dengan USD.

Kalau setakat nak guna kadar matawang untuk menyerang Najib, perlulah ditanya mengapa Mahathir boleh tambatkan Ringgit dan Najib tak boleh pulak

Tentu boleh jika sangat diperlukan tetapi Najib tidak akan gunakan jalan mudah dan penakut macam Mahathir.

4. Kadar Faedah Pinjaman Bank

Pada tahun 1998, kadar faedah pinjaman bank naik setinggi 13.5% kerana bank-bank Malaysia kekurangan wang dan keperluan Bank Negara pada masa itu untuk mempertahankan nilai Ringgit. Bila kadar pinjaman naik, pelabur asing akan tertarik untuk melabur di Malaysia untuk menikmati pulangan yang simpanan bank yang tinggi. 

Kadar pinjaman yang tinggi pada masa itu menyeksa banyak peminjam individu mahupun korporat - mengakibatkan banyak yang muflis dan mengakibatkan ratusan projek-projek yang gagal.

Tahun 2016 pula, kadar pinjaman bank rendah pada tahap 4.5% - malah, sudah dua kali diturunkan tahun ini.

5. Projek-projek terbengkalai

Tahun 1998, banyak syarikat - besar mahupun kecil - yang gagal kerana terdesak kadar faedah pinjaman naik mendadak. Akibatnya, banyak projek-projek pembangunan sudah terbengkalai.

Ada yang masih dalam keadaan ini sampai hari ini - termasuk taman perumahan di Lembah Beringin, Selangor, projek Plaza Rakyat yang terkenal sebagai "kolam ikan dan jejentik" terbesar  di Kuala Lumpur dan hotel 5 bintang Duta Grand Hyatt di persimpangan Jalan Ampang dan Jalan Sultan Ismail.

Zaman Najib tahun 2015-2016, tiada sebarang projek-projek yang terbengkalai. 

Sebaliknya, usaha untuk memulihkan projek Plaza Rakyat dan projek hotel Duta Grand Hyatt sudah bermula.

6. Nisbah Pinjaman bank yang bermasalah

Kadar faedah pinjaman bank tahun 1998 telah menyebabkan banyak syarikat dan individu untuk tidak lagi mampu membayar pinjaman-pinjaman bank. Ini telah menyebabkan banyak pinjaman bank yang bermasalah dan menimbulkan kerugian kepada bank-bank di Malaysia.

Nisbah hutang yang tak dibayar (Non-performing loan ataupun NPL industri bank pada tahun 1998 naik sehingga 14.9%. Ini bermaksud, setiap RM100 yang dipinjam keluar oleh bank ada RM14.90 tidak dapat dibayar balik.

Tahun 2016 amat berbeza. Nisbah ini hanya tahap 1.6% - suatu kadar yang sangat selamat.

7. Prestasi bank-bank di Malaysia 

Tahun 1998, banyak bank-bank yang terancam akibat hutang-hutang yang tidak dapat dikutip semula. Keadaan ini sudah tahap kritikal sehingga perlunya karajaan untuk menubuhkan DanaHarta dan DanaModal untuk menyelamatkan bank-bank dan syarikat-syarikat yang bankrap.

Tahun 2016 sangat berbeza. Nisbah hutang tak berbayar rendah dan keuntungan bank-bank Malaysia adalah baik dan meningkat. Tiada sebarang keperluan untuk dana-dana penyelamat seperti DanaHarta dan DanaModal.

8. Menarik pelaburan projek berbanding meminta pertolongan pinjaman cemas

Menarik pelaburan dan pinjaman dari Negara Cina untuk projek pembangunan bermanfaat di Malaysia berbandingkan permintaan secara terbuka untuk meminjam wang secara segera dari Singapura dan Jepun untuk mengatasi krisis ekonomi. Amat nyata perbezaannya.

Tak percaya Mahathir pernah menjatuhkan air muka beliau dan negara untuk meminta Singapura dan Jepun untuk bantuan kewangan cemas untuk menyelamatkan negara?

Boleh tengok video Mahathir sendiri mengakui ini kepada dunia di sini dan baca dari arkib perpustakaan Perdana di sini.

Inilah maksud negara dalam krisis. Bukan sekarang. Mahathir mudah lupa.

9. Pertumbuhan KDNK (GDP)

Takkan negatif dan positif tidak dapat dibezakan? Pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun 2015 dan 2016 masih kukuh - terutama kalau dibandingkan dengan negara-negara jiran kita.

Takkan pihak pembangkang tak tahu ada "slow-down" ekonomi dunia sedang berlaku sekarang? Kalau pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang erti baca Bahasa Inggeris, bolehlah baca berita-berita bulan November 2016 yang bertajuk 'Technical recession looms' for Singapore" ataupun "Australia’s Economy Posts Worst Decline Since 2008"

Berbanding negara-negara dunia termasuk negara jiran kita, ekonomi Malaysia masih baik lagi.

Walaupun ada kelembapan akibat keadaan ekonomi dunia yang tidak stabil, namun pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia antara 20 yang terbaik di dunia. Malah pada suku ketiga 2016, pertumbuhan KDNK sudah mula meningkat semula.

Pertumbuhan GDP Malaysia 2017 juga dijangka lebih baik berbanding 2016.

10. Nisbah hutang negara kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) ataupun Debt-to-GDP ratio

Pada lima tahun pertama Mahathir memerintah, dia telah menaikkan nisbah ini dari 44% tahun 1981 sehingga 103.4% tahun 1986.

Jika kita tidak muflis ketika kadar 103.4% pada tahun 1985, bagaimana mungkin kita boleh menjadi bankrap pada kadar 53.4% sekarang?

Ada logik tak?

Malahan nisbah 53.4% ini adalah selamat. Boleh lihat disini siapakah negara-negara yang ada nisbah yang lebih tinggi dari kita.

Kalau Malaysia dianggap sudah bankrap pada nisbah 53.4%, maka 70 lagi negara lain yang juga sudah bankrap termasuk kebanyakkan negara-negara yang maju.

Hutang negara, walaupun nilai (bukan nisbah) meningkat, tidak sepatutnya dilihat secara mutlak - tetapi dibanding dengan kemampuan untuk membayar balik.

Takkan dikatakan kerani yang ada hutang RM10,000 kad kredit dikatakan 5 ganda lebih selamat dari seorang pengurus besar syarikat bersenarai yang ada hutang kad kredit sebanyak RM50,000?


Jelas dari perbandingan diatas bahawa Dr. Mahathir, Kit Siang, Muhyiddin dan para pemimpin pembangkang amat mudah lupa. Senang-senang melaungkan "Krisis" walaupun jelas bukan krisis.
Ini semata-mata permainan politik mereka sahaja.

Takkan nak percaya mereka yang tentunya ad agenda peribadi dan tak percaya para analis-analis antarabangsa dan pakar ekonomik yang tiada kepentingan politik di Malaysia seperti dari IMF yang memberi pendapat mereka hari ini (Dec 14, 2016) juga:
"The Malaysian economy continues to perform well, despite significant headwinds.

Malaysia’s diversified economy, along with exchange rate flexibility, has buffered the real economy from the commodity price shock, while deep financial markets have helped absorb global financial market volatility. Inflation has been subdued and the current account remains in surplus. 
“Malaysia has made significant progress toward achieving high-income status. A range of structural reforms has been undertaken to boost longer-term economic growth. "
Maksudnya, kerajaan sudah mengendali ekonomi dengan baik walaupun harga komoditi lemah. IMF juga puji kerajaan Malaysia membuat transformasi negara untuk kukuhkan lagi pertumbuhan ekonomi jangkamasa panjang. IMF berpendapat bahawa prestasi kerajaan baik dan semakin maju untuk mencapai matlamat negara berpendapatan tinggi.

Tetapi, iya. mengikut pembangkang, Malaysia perlu "diselamatkan". Dan siapa yang akan selamatkan Malaysia?

Tidak lain dan tidak bukan, mereka yang akan "menyelamatkan Malaysia".

Matlamat mereka hanya satu sahaja. Menakutkan orang ramai dan merendahkan pencapaian ekonomi negara demi hasrat mereka untuk merebut kuasa kerajaan.

Itu sahaja.

Tetapi, permainan politik macam ini sangat berbahaya kerana akan menakutkan dan menurunkan keyakinan pengguna dan pelabur untuk terus memajukan negara. Kalau pengguna sering ditakutkan dengan propaganda tipu, mereka akan henti ataupun mengurangkan perbelanjaan. Bila perbelajaan turun, maka jualan kedai2 pun turun. Jualan kedai2 turun maksudnya mereka tidak akan melabur untuk membuka kedai yang baru ataupun akan mengurangkan pekerja dan menghapuskan peluang pekerjaan.

Jangan tertipu dengan para penjahat-penjahat yang busuk hati ini.

EDIT: Someone did a video summary of the above 10 points.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Tun Dr Fitnah

Mahathir just issued a statement to attack MCA today. As usual, he recycles his allegations and laces it with lots of lies. Let's count these lies.

Tun Dr M's statement in italics and my replies in blue:

1. The MCA President has expressed his disgust at what he calls the lack of principle on the part of DAP.

2. He seems to think that DAP’s working together with me is all wrong.

LSS: Mahathir seems to have completely misunderstood the "disgust" from MCA. It was not aimed at Mahathir but rather at DAP.

MCA had taken issue with DAP's lack of principles as DAP had accused Mahathir of all sorts of mismanagement, racism, scandals and abuse for 22 years but suddenly, the DAP Secretary General says Tun M has managed the country well for 22 years and has not resorted to racist dirty tactics.

This disgust is at the unbelievable flip-flop of DAP which means that DAP had been lying to Malaysians for 22 years if those allegations against Tun M is no longer true.


3. But MCA’s working together with a known kleptocrat who has stolen billions of Ringgit is the worst example of a lack of principle. Or is the MCA unaware of what Najib has done to UMNO, BN and the nation. If he is not, I would like to tell him that under Najib Malaysia has been classified as one of the ten most corrupt country in the world.

LSS: This is a lie. Where was it that said Malaysia is one of the ten most corrupt country in the world? Malaysia is listed in the top 3rd (54th out of 167 countries) in terms of least corrupt in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index.


4. The American Dept. of Justice has reported that Najib, who is Malaysian Official 1 (as confirmed by Cabinet Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan), has stolen billions of Ringgit of the Malaysian people’s money, and 2.6 billion Ringgit of this is in Najib’s personal bank account. Of course the MCA thinks this is okay. That is the MCA’s principle which it must cling to. It must be proud that it is supporting Najib who is involved in the world’s biggest fund case as alleged by the Department of Justice.

LSS: Again Tun Mahathir is lying. the American Dept of Justice did not report that Najib stole money. In fact, like the dozens of unnamed individuals in the suit, MO1 is not a party of the civil suit of the USA's DOJ kleptoracy - that is exactly why it was MO1 listed and not Najib Razak.

Among those with code-names include:

1MDB OFFICER 1, 1MDB OFFICER 2, 1MDB OFFICER 3, PETROSAUDI CEO, PETROSAUDI CO-FOUNDER, 1MDB’s Chief Financial Officer, Hollywood Actor 1, SINGAPORE BANKER 1, LOW EMI Partner, Goldman Managing Director, Chairman of IPIC

The reason why MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 is not named is the same as why those other people are not named.

Because they are not the subjects of the suit.

Is that so hard to understand?


5. Now Najib considers the contest is between UMNO and DAP. This means Najib believes in racism because to him Malaysian politics is about Malays versus Chinese. Towards that end he has redrawn constitutional boundaries to separate Malays from Chinese.

LSS: What does Tun Mahathir mean when he says this contest is between UMNO and DAP is equal to racism? Is Tun Mahathir now saying that DAP is a Chinese-only party?

And just because BN, the party with the most number of seats, is saying that the battle is now agaisnt DAP, the party with the second most number of seats, does this mean that Najib said the battle is now Malays versus Chinese? Najib never said that.

What is wrong with the party with the most number of seats declaring that the party with the second most number of seats is their main rival? Isn't that logical and expected?


6. Perhaps this accords with MCA as an ethnic Chinese Party. DAP is a multi-racial party which supports all the provisions of the Malaysian Constitution.

LSS: But in just the point above, Tun M claimed that DAP is a Chinese-only party and now he says DAP is multi-racial?

Please be consistent lah.

7. Accordingly the DAP celebration of its 50th anniversary was conducted completely in the national language.

LSS: This is a lie. Lim Guan Eng himself broke into Mandarin in the middle of his pengullungan speech. The video of the speech proves this. Listen to 7 minutes 16 seconds of Guan Eng's speech

Does this sound like our national language to you?


8. The DAP Secretary General categorically stated in his speech that DAP had never asked to have a Chinese Prime Minister in answer to Najib’s claim that if the DAP wins the next election Kit Siang would be P.M. DAP’s choice is Anwar Ibrahim, a non-Chinese.

LSS: Again, Tun Mahahir is lying. Najib had never said that if DAP wins, Kit Siang would be PM. When did Najib say this? It certainly was not said in the recent UMNO General Assembly.


Muhyiddin had also confirmed that DAP has given their consent and agreement to him that a Malay will be PM if Pakatan wins.

9. MCA obviously supports Najib’s racist play by saying that if UMNO loses to DAP, there would be a Chinese as PM., or maybe MCA just wants to bodek Najib, principle be damned.
LSS: MCA also never said this. Mahathir is lying again. Why would MCA even object to having a Chinese as PM? It defies logic! Please lah, Mahathir.


10. MCA should not talk about principle as it is just opportunistic. It is not the MCA of Tun Tan Cheng Lock. It is just an appendage of Najib’s racist UMNO now.

LSS: Fuhh.. Najib's racist UMNO. Let's hear what Mahathir says about racism and extremists.

Or here:

And isn't DAP the party whose main ceramah expert told tens of thousands of voters to use a Malay to screw their own Malays and that this would be the most enjoyable show of a lifetime to watch?

11. I am with DAP and the other opposition parties because I don’t want to be associated with Najib and his kleptocratic government. Until he can prove beyond reasonable doubt he did not steal 1MDB money, I will still say he has stolen money from the people of Malaysia.

LSS: When Tun M withdrew support for Najib in Aug 2014, it was never about 1MDB. In fact, the top reason Tun M listed down why he withdrew support was that Najib had abolished ISA which Tun M does not agree with. In fact, Tun M first attacked UMNO in October 2013 when his son lost in the party elections for vice-president.

Nevertheless, we congratulate Tun M's son for now being deputy president for his his new party where Tun M himself is the Chairman.

So Mahathir lied again saying he withdrew support for Najib because of 1MDB.


12. For MCA everything that Najib has done is okay. So stay with him. And that means MCA has no principle. DAP has upheld its principle to have clean election, to have democracy and to fight for a clean Government. MCA is as kleptocratic as Najib.

LSS: DAP Clean Government? Wait, isn't the DAP Secretary General himself the one who has to spend 34 days in court next year to fight two corruption charges?

Upheld principle? As in point 2 above where 22 years of DAP's continued allegations against Tun Mahathir has now vanished because DAP now says Mahathir has managed the country and economy well for 22 years?

What about the principles where a civil servant who is formally charged with corruption should step down from public office until they are cleared by the courts?

But Guan Eng is still Chief Minister and refuses to resign. That is principle?

What about the party, when they were in alliance with PAS, went all over to convince the Chinese to accept Hudud but then later on attacked PAS for wanting to implement Hudud even though DAP had given a secret written agreement signed by the DAP Secretary General himself that PAS has the right to pursue an Islamic state govt?

That is also "principles"? No way.

DAP has no principles as what Mahathir said.


13. Shame on you MCA.
LSS: Shame on you Mahathir, for repeatedly lying and twisting.

NINE CLEAR LIES in just one 13 point statement from Mahathir.

Please don't let your legacy be known as Tun Dr Fitnah.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Mahathir's Motivation

The image of Mahathir in a BERSIH 5 shirt while doing a video advertistment to promote the event was a real eye-opener for many people - some people applauded him while many others were turned off.

We may never know if his presence was the reason why BERSIH 5 attendance was down by as much as 80% as estimated by BERSIH themselves or down 60% as estimated by MalaysiaKini but that is not the focus of today's article.

Much has been said about Mahathir's recent U-turns, many of which have puzzled friends and foes alike. He has made so many that we can only speculate what else more in future where he would make similar U-Turns in support of DAP's stand.

There are already a lot of these U-turns - some of which are shocking, including his call in the foreign media for foreign intervention in Malaysia.

So, what had motivated the former Prime Minister to make such shocking U-turns which is so out-of-character based on his past track records that to many, it has made him look like the ultimate shamless hypocrite?

Unless Mahathir spills the beans himself, we can only speculate.

But it is easier to say what is not the reason than to say with certainty what is the real reason. Let's list them all down.

It is not because of 1MDB or RM2.6 billion or any alleged corruption.

Why do I say this? Well, Mahathir had actually publicly announced in August 2014 that he had pulled back support from Najib. Remember this date, August 2014. This event had sent shock-waves in the local media at that time.

This is way before there were any allegations on 1MDB or any hint of RM2.6 billion in PM's account.

In fact, the reasons given by Mahathir at that time were only these four:

1. Najib abolished ISA.
2. Najib was too friendly to Singapore.
3. Najib did not take care of the "kaum and parti" who had helped save the govt in GE13. (Mahathir had previously blamed Najib of being too nice to the Chinese in GE13).
4. Najib allows more imports at the expense of local products (a chief complaint of his Proton then).

There was nothing about 1MDB or SOSMA or RM2.6b or anything like that when Mahathir withdrew support.

It is not because Mahathir thinks that Najib is kejam or cruel or had implemented NSC or SOSMA

In fact, the first point that Mahathir had given to withdraw support is that Najib abolished ISA

Which is why many observers laughed and saw it farcical and hypocritical when Mahathir brought his wife to turn up at the "Free Maria Chin, abolish SOSMA" event.

SOSMA is way less lethal than ISA while Mahathir himself had imprisoned Maria Chin's late husband Yunus Ali under ISA during Ops Lalang.

So, Mahathir being there to free Maria and to abolish SOSMA was indeed funny - especially since Najib abolishing ISA was one of the main reason given by Mahathir when he stopped supporting Najib in Aug 2014.

It is not because Malaysia is going bankrupt or that the Ringgit has fallen

If it is about the Ringgit, Mahathir would know that all Najib needs to do is to peg it just like he had in 1998 and then, no more questions.

And it is not about Malaysia going bankrupt as our Debt-to-GDP at 53% right now is much lower than what Mahathir pushed it up to from 44% in 1981 to 103.4% in 1986.

Plus, Mahathir knows there is no immediate need for a Danamodal or Danaharta to be set-up right now to save the banks and our conglomerates like what he did in 1998.

In fact, all the banks are really strong right now. If the economy is no good or near collapse, the banks would be the first to get into trouble.

On the contrary, in the 3 months ending 30 Sep 2016, most of the banks have reported decent growth in profits:
RM1.86b = MBB
RM1.25b = PBB
RM1.05b = CIMB
RM0.54b = HLBB
RM0.51b = RHB
RM0.38b = AMMB
RM0.17b = AFG
RM0.14b = AFFIN
RM0.11b = BIMB

So the question about saving Malaysia is out.

So, what would be the chief motivation for Mahathir to suddenly become so desperate?

To me, I can clearly see two possible key motivation.

1. Self-preservation

The two most basic human instincts are Self-preservation and pro-creation.

At his age of 91 years old, pro-creation is certainly not his motivation. Especially since he has lots of children and grand-children already.

That leaves self-preservation - more specifically, the preservation of his bloodlines and his legacy.

For 17 out of 22 years when Mahathir was Prime Minister, Suharto was his Indonesia counterpart. Both are reported to be very close friends.

It was even reported that Mahathir's son Mirzan and Suharto's son Bambang Trihatmodjo were once directors in Vincent Tan's Berjaya group.

Mirzan's wife is also the daughter of known Suharto's business partner Liem Sioe Liong, owner of Indonesia's Salim Group.

After being forced to resign in 1998, Suharto and his family spent much of their time fending-off corruption investigations. However, Suharto himself was protected from serious prosecution by politicians and people in the government who owed their positions to the former president, as indicated in the leaked telephone conversation between President Habibie and attorney-general Andi Muhammad Ghalib in Feb 1999.

In May 1999, Time Asia estimated Suharto's family fortune at US$15 billion in cash, shares, corporate assets, real estate, jewelry and fine art.

On 29 May 2000, Suharto was placed under house arrest when Indonesian authorities began to investigate the corruption during his presidency. In July 2000, it was announced that he was being investigated for embezzling US$571 million of government donations to one of a number of foundations under his control and then using the money to finance family investments.

In 2002, Suharto's son Tommy, was sentenced to 15 years' jail. He had been convicted of ordering the killing of a judge who had sentenced him to 18 months jail for corruption and illegal weapons possession.

In 2003, Suharto's half-brother Probosutedjo was sentenced to four years in jail for corruption and the loss of US$10 million from the state.

On 9 July 2007, Indonesian prosecutors filed a civil lawsuit against former President Suharto, to recover USD$440 in state funds and a further $1.1 billion in damages.

Suharto's legacy was destroyed. He and his family members got into lots of trouble and some were jailed.

During the final hours of Suharto's life in 2008, Mahathir flew to be at his bedside.

According to Suharto's daughter, Mahathir and Suharto, during the rare period when the former Indonesian president was conscious on his deathbed, shed tears together.

Many Indonesians respected Suharto for economically developing the country, while others who suffered under his strong-armed rule and accused him of plunder and rights abuses were disappointed he was never brought to trial.

It should as such come as no surprise that Mahathir had developed a certain bond with Suharto. The manner in which Suharto was criticized by many Indonesians must have saddened, if not frightened Mahathir.

Since all of Mahathir's sons are very rich. Here is an example.

Mahathir is a big critic of BR1M whom he calls dedak. 
However, BR1M is a policy that is also practiced in many countries to distribute income from the richer Malaysians to the below 40% (B40) income groups. 
Here is an illustration which will give you an idea of the scale of inequality. 
Mahathir had fought for bangsa dan agama for 22 years and finally, 3 Malay-Muslims entered the top ten richest Malaysians list in early 2014. 
It was sheer coincidence (kebetulan) that his son is among these three tycoons.
Mahathir's son Mokhzani Mahathir was listed at number 9 richest Malaysian and the 2nd richest Malay in Feb 2014 by the then A Kadir Jasin owned and operated Malaysia Business magazine. 
Mokhzani had a fortune of RM4.22 billion then - beating out Ambank founder Azman Hashim into 10th place. 
The previous year, the govt paid RM3 billion in BR1M 2.0 to 4.3 million households and 2.7 million single unmarried individuals. 
This means that Mokhzani could have paid fully for the BR1M payments for that year to all 4.3 million households and 2.7 million single unmarried individuals and still have RM1.22 billion remaining to spend on his fancy cars.
Seeing what tragedy had befallen his good friend's family after Suharto had lost control of the govt, I suspect Mahathir's main worry would be to prevent what happened to Suharto's legacy and family to also happen to him and his family.

This risk could certainly be reduced and It would help if one of Mahathir's son becomes the Prime Minister or at least in a senior position of power - in this case, it would be Mukhriz - the only son out of the three biological sons who had gone into politics.

Mukhriz Mahathir had led a charmed life as a politician ever.

The first and only time he won a parliament seat in 2008, he was immediately given a Deputy MITI Minister post.

The first time and only time he won a state assembly seat in 2013, he was immediately made the Menteri Besar of Kedah.

This is despite contesting and failing to win UMNO youth chief in 2009 and then failing again to win Vice-President in the 2013 party elections,

The favours and opportunities given to Mukhriz despite his lack of standing and experience in the party is clear evidence that Mahathir had wanted and gotten this from Najib at that time.

However, it was only immediately after Mukhirz being rejected by UMNO for the second time that Mahathir first publicly attacked Najib.

This was what was reported in October 2013 - way before any 1MDB, RM2.6 billion, economy, SOSMA, NSC issues came out:

Former Malaysian Premier Mahathir Mohamad on Monday appeared to fire the first volley of a widely anticipated attack on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, saying the premier’s allies in recent United Malays National Organization intraparty polls preserved their positions in the UMNO hierarchy by buying votes. 
“We are told that they’ve eliminated corruption during the recent UMNO election, I am not convinced,” Mahathir told a conference at the country’s administrative capital of Putra Jaya. Although he didn’t mention Najib by name, he said: “I think there was a lot of money involved, going into the millions, and loads of people who should not be getting votes were getting votes because of the money they spent.”
In the recent 2016 UMNO General Assembly, PM Najib had confirmed this when he mentioned the turning point was “boi boi”, the nickname for Mukhriz Mahathir, the implication being that the favoured son was meant to continue the Mahathir legacy.

Najib said Dr Mahathir wanted him to help Mukhriz win the vice-­president post in the 2013 party election.
“At that time, I felt Mukhriz should perform as the Mentri Besar of Kedah, then we could assess his report card. 
“He was not even the state Umno chairman, but he wanted him (Mukhriz) up there. Then the attacks began,” said Najib. 
Since UMNO had already rejected Mukhriz twice before and Najib has now fallen out badly with both Mahathir and Mukhriz, it is better for both of them to leave UMNO as Mukhriz's chance of winning in the next UMNO party elections - probably in the next two years would be very slim.

Therefore, Mahathir probably believe it is better to leave UMNO and go all out to destroy the party.

And now that both Mahathir and Mukhriz is out of UMNO, most observers would note that despite failing to win twice in UMNO's party elections, Mukhris is now the Deputy President of his own political party - behind the much older Muhyiddin.

Mahathir would also be mindful about his own legacy and since he has essentially burned all bridges with Najib, Mahathir could be afraid that Najib will do what Mahathir did to Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR).

After becoming Prime Minister, Mahathir had fallen out spectacularly with TAR - as you can see in this old video where TAR said that Mahathir is a lying traitor.

Since this falling out, TAR's legacy has been progressively erased from the history books. In fact, one of Mahathir's last action was to demolish the old Subang Airport which was perfectly functional.

After it was demolished, nothing was done on that site.

Therefore, faced with limited time to avoid what happened to Suharto and family to also happen to Mahathir, in the interest of self-preservation of his bloodlines and his legacy added to the irreparable animosity that he now has with Najib, it is paramount that Mahathir does whatever it takes to remove Najib and put in someone he can trust as Prime Minister or at least within the corridors of power.

This is where Boboi comes in.

In fact, Mahathir has never denied that he wants Mukhriz to be the future prime minister. On the contrary, in a recent interview with MalaysiaKini, he had subconsciously hinted that Mukhriz is his choice for future Prime Minister.

However, Mahathir supporters deny this. They say the ultimate proof that Mahathir does not want Mukhriz to be PM is that Mahathir did not allow his sons to be in UMNO while he was president.

This is such a weak excuse.

They said that this is why Mukhriz  terpaksa buat bisnes "

LOL... first time ever saw people forced to do business and forced to own 2 listed companies.

The simple answer is this.

"When Mahathr was PM not wanting his son to be PM does not mean that when Mahathir is no longer PM, he does not want his son to be PM".

It's like when you were in primary school and have no interest in girls or boys, does not mean that when you are in secondary school, you will STILL have no interest in girls or boys.

Mahathir's plans for his children can change lah..

Like the many many U-turns that Mahathir had made - Soros, Anwar, BERSIH, LKS ....

You mean Mahathir cannot also make U-Turn about plans for his son after he stepped down as PM?

Why then is Mukhriz made the Deputy President for the new party, PPBM where his dad is Chairman?

2. Mahathir's super-ego

In the 2016 UMNO general assembly, Najib had said that Mahathir has a super-ego.

"If Mahathir fights, he must win, tries to win. Now he is not successful, he will be more aggressive with his words,"  said Najib.
This is true as in the past, Mahathir had beaten Tunku Abdul Rahman, Hussein Onn, Pak Lah, Anwar, Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh before.

Now that Mahathir is losing the fight against Najib, Mahathir will just become even more aggressive and desperate.

Mahathir's pristine track-record in beating others and the fact that Mahathir considers Najib to be his student would mean losing to Najib would be the ultimate humiliation. His ego won't be able to take it.

What is worse than a teacher losing to a student? Especially since Mahathir keeps saying that "they still owe it all to him".  He said it again last year to the foreign press.

Like I said, no one is quite sure what goes on in Mahathir's mind but based on the evidence, these two motivation I listed seems the most likely why Mahathir has become desperate and willing to be a hypocrite.

One thing is for sure. Those Pakatan supporters who think Mahathir is a changed man or has repented are really very gullible and naive people. A leopard cannot change its spots. And you are talking about a 91 year old man who until now, has never apologized or shown remorse for anything that he has done before.

As the fight between him and Najib continues, let's listen to the supremely-talented Alan Perera who dedicated a song to Chedet and his fight with Najib.