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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Chedet's "Taklimat Najib""

Answering Chedet's latest post today titled: "Taklimat Najib" where he yet again recycles the same tired accusations that time and again has been answered - but yet he refuses to listen and repeats himself.
1.Najib mendakwa bahawa sebabnya saya tidak sokongnya ialah kerana saya tidak dapat apa yang saya minta.
2.Bagi diri saya tidak ada apa pun yang saya minta. Tawaran Kerajaan untuk memberi percuma tanah di Putrajaya diwaktu saya letak jawatan, seperti kepada bekas Perdana Menteri yang lain, pun saya tolak. Saya minta untuk membeli tanah di Putrajaya dan saya bayar satu juta untuk sekeping. Duit ini dari tabung simpanan saya selama 29 tahun dalam Kerajaan. Tak hutang.
3.Hadiah yang diberi kepada saya semasa dalam Kerajaan saya pulangkan balik kepada Kerajaan. Semua boleh dilihat di Galeria Langkawi dan kediaman PM lama di Jalan Terengganu, off Jalan Damansara.
Actually, Tun M lied that he did not want anything from the government. As the Chairman of Proton, he had wanted RM1.7 billion in free govt grants for Proton as well as repeatedly in the past few months he has asked for more protection for Proton - which would have meant higher car prices for all.

Firstly, govt can no longer protect Proton as the Rakyat has suffered greatly to the tune of RM300 billion over the 30 years of this Proton experiment - and plus govt had put it in their GE13 manifesto to reduce car prices by 30% by the year 2018.

Also, govt can't simply give billions to Proton nowadays as Proton is no longer government owned by is now a private company under DRB-Hicom.

Here is an article from July 2014 about Mahathir as Proton Chairman requesting RM1.7 billion for Proton - this request was rejected.
It has been reported that national carmaker Proton has applied for financial support from the government – the company has submitted a request for a RM1.7 billion grant from the Economic Council (EC), which is chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Razak, according to reports from The Edge and The Star.
Last week, the automaker said it was seeking reimbursement from the government for the money it has invested in research and development (R&D) to produce new cars.
“We have asked the government to reimburse some of the money we invested on R&D projects. This is a normal practice in the car industry, where incentives are given to carmakers for development of new technology,” Proton chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had said.
This requested was rejected the very same month. And very very coincidentally, the very NEXT month, on Aug 18,2014, Mahathir announces in his blog that he has withdrawn support for Government,

He listed a bunch of reasons (1MDB was not even mentioned once) and one of them was "Najib was ruining the economy by prioritising imported goods at the expense of the local industry."

What an amazing coincidence in terms of timing!

4.Yang saya minta dari Najib ialah untuk negara dan untuk rakyat. Semuanya ditolak tetapi dalam PRU13 saya masih sokong Najib. Walaupun saya menyatakan Najib harus berhenti jika pencapaiannya dalam PRU 13 lebih buruk dari Abdullah dalam PRU 12, setelah kemenangannya dalam PRU 13 lebih buruk dari Abdullah saya masih terus menyokongnya sebagai Perdana Menteri.
Actually, Najib did not do too badly with regards to UMNO seats where he increased the parliament seats won by UMNO from 79 to 88 - an increase of 9 seats,

But where BN did badly was the loss of seats suffered by MCA and Gerakan - mainly because DAP played the PERKASA card often to brand BN as racist. And it did not help help that Mahathir loyalist Ibrahim Ali's PERKASA made many controversial statements before GE13 that drove the non-Malay voters away - each the the patron of PERKASA had also agreed to it.

And who was the patron of PERKASA? Here is the picture.

Yup. This was a major contributing reason why the non-Malays stayed away from voting BN in GE13 - causing great losses in popular votes and parliament seats for MCA and Gerakan.

Tun M, as the patron of PERKASA has to bear a big responsibility for this too. Don't pretend it isn't so.

5.Hanya apabila rahsia hutang dan kerugian 1MDB terbongkar barulah saya tarik sokongan saya daripada Najib.
6.Kalau kerana jambatan tidak dibina, sudah lama saya berhenti dari menyokongnya. Kalau kerana landasan berkembar elektrik tidak dibina dari Johor Bahru ke Padang Besar, sudah lama saya hentikan sokongan saya kepada Najib. Bukan kerana tidak layan permintaan saya untuk negara pun yang saya tarik sokongan saya dari Najib.
7.Najib biasa datang jumpa saya untuk bertanya apa yang saya hendak. Saya fikir ia ikhlas dan saya pun sebut beberapa projek pembangunan untuk negara. Kemudian saya sedar ia sedang mencuba sogok saya dengan cara ini supaya saya tidak bangkit soal 1MDB.
This is an outright lie from Tun Mahathir saying 1MDB was the reason why he no longer supported Najib's government.

Again, as pointed out earlier, Tun M publicly withdrew support from Govt in his post dated 18 August 2014 titled "Menegur"  He had listed a variety of reasons why he disagreed with Najib including being friendly to Singapore, abolishing ISA and "priotrizing foreign imports" etc..

but NOT EVEN ONCE was 1MDB ever mentioned. Not once!

So, Tun M has lied that 1MDB was the reason he no longer supported Najib - it was mainly because Najib refused to follow the same policies as Tun Mahathir - as he clearly listed out then.

8.Tetapi kehilangan wang Kerajaan terlalu besar. Hanya kerana melayan saya tidak boleh dijadikan alasan bagi saya pejam mata berkenaan kehilangan duit Kerajaan berbillion-billion. Oleh itu saya teruskan juga membangkitkan soal 1MDB. Apatah lagi apabila 2.6 billion Ringgit tiba-tiba didapati ada dalam akaun persendirian Najib.
9.Tidak pernah dalam sejarah Malaysia merdeka, Perdana Menteri Malaysia memiliki sebegitu banyak duit. Untuk apa tujuan pun Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak harus memiliki 2.6 billion Ringgit.
10.Yang jelas ialah tanpa duit yang begitu banyak, BN dan UMNO telah menang dengan berkali lebih baik dari Najib dalam PRU 13. Bukan wang yang boleh beri kemenangan. Khidmat pada rakyat dan keikhlasan niat yang memberi kemenangan bagi parti.
11. Kononnya duit ini diderma oleh penderma-penderma yang tidak suka dikenali. Mereka pula tidak sanggup memberi terus kepada UMNO tetapi sebagai “pemimpin” mereka sanggup beri hanya kepada Najib sebagai pemimpin untuk disimpan olehnya dalam akaun peribadi. Ini tidak masuk akal sama sekali melainkan ada niat untuk tidak menjelas dari mana duit itu datang, menyembunyi perbelanjaan.
Again he says berbillion missing - initially it was RM42b lesap  and then RM27b hilang - but now it is a vague berbillion missing.

I won't even dignify a response for this as this has been answered countless times - probably a hundred times but Tun M refuses to listen.

As for the RM2.6 billion amount, DPM Zahid Hamidi said this today:
"Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has revealed that the individual who contributed RM2.6 billion to Prime Minister Najib Razak is a leader of a foreign country.
Zahid, who is also an Umno vice-president said the donation was made as the donor’s government believed in Umno’s ability to promote Islam and keep other sects other than Sunnism at bay.
“They are not individuals. But I did not want to mention it.
“The government in question has contributed larger sums of funds to many other Muslim countries.
“Why should we dispute their sincerity? And they did not ask for any contract or project from us in return. We should be grateful,” he was quoted as saying."
Which is consistent with my past posts on this matter:
12.Tuduhan dibuat bahawa Bank Negara tahu. Apa buktinya Bank Negara tahu. Kenapa laporan dari Bank Negara ditolak oleh AG. Apakah AG tidak percaya kepada Bank Negara sedangkan kita dikehendaki percaya Bank Negara berkenaan sesuatu yang hanya disebut oleh Najib, tidak oleh Bank Negara.
13.Adakah lebih meyakinkan jika laporan Bank Negara didedah daripada hanya Najib berkata Bank Negara tahu. Wang 50 million dan lebih yang dimasuk dalam mana-mana bank mesti mendapat kelulusan Bank Negara. Tunjuk sahaja bukti kelulusan Bank Negara berkenaan RM2.6 billion dan Najib akan dipercayai.
Perhaps Tun M may not be familiar with how banking transfers happen? It is typically the receiving banks that has to get approval from BNM for any receipt of large amount of funds, These transfer was in 2013 - and for two years, BNM did not ever once reject or questioned the transfer -until it was exposed by Wall Street Journal in July 2015.

The very fact that this large sum transfer was even allowed to take effect in 2013 - means BNM had approved the transfer - you don't need BNM's written approval to prove this. The very fact that the transfer happened, by itself already proves this.

As for the UMNO president keeping party money in his own private capacity,  it is specifically allowed under UMNO's constitution for the party president to hold funds on behalf of the party.

It is allowed to hold funds on behalf or in trust of another purpose.

Those who have written cheques to donate to charities or other purposes would be familiar with this. For example, this donation drive for acid attack victims were asked to do this:
"Those who wish to donate can make the cheques out to MCA Public Services Dept, Wisma MCA, Tingkat 7, 163 Jln Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Please write “Azri bin Abdullah” at the back of the cheque."
The ultimate beneficiary is Azri and not MCA Public Services Dept, which was holding the funds in trust.

And in the case of DAP, during GE13 the public was asked to donate funds to the current Member of Parliament for Stampin Julian Tan Kok Ping's account in his personal name instead of to his party.

Does this also mean that Julian Tan embezzled money?

And in the case of Tun Mahathir himself, a court testimony in 2010 by the ex-shareholders and directors of UMNO-linked company Realmild - which owned assets worth billions consisting of New Straits Times, MRCB and TV3 - revealed that 70% of the shares of Realmild was held in proxy for the personal name of Tun Mahathir (not UMNO!!).

This fact was further confirmed by Anwar Ibrahim who had wrote on his blog in 2010:

Sekian lama juak Umno memfitnah saya kononnya punyai kepentingan menguasai syarikat gergasi MRCB melalui Realmild. Maka pada tahun 1999, dalam perakuan di mahkamah tinggi KL, saya mengesahkan bahawa pemegang saham terbesar Realmild; 70 peratus adalah atas nama Dr Mahathir sendiri. Dan saya tidak punyai sebarang kepentingan dalam syarikat tersebut. 
Hanya setelah pendedahan tersebut, Dr Mahathir segera meminta Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Maidin mengambil alih saham tersebut, dan ketika itu baru disebut sebagai milik Umno. Maka ia mengesahkan perakuan saya sebelumnya. 
Hal sedemikian terbongkar semula dalam keterangan Abdul Rahman Maidin dan Datuk Nazri Abdullah dalam prosiding mahkamah dalam kes saman Datuk Khalid Ahmad terhadap Datuk Abdul Rahman Maidin. Saya bersyukur kehazrat Allah kerana fitnah terhadap saya yang sekian lama menjerat pemikiran sebahagian pendukung Umno kini terbongkar.
So, how did Tun Mahathir explain why the beneficial owner of 70% of a company worth billions were essentially under his own personal name and not in the name of the party?

Of course Tun Mahathir kept quiet and didn't bother to explain - and neither did he sue Anwar Ibrahim for stating that too nor sue the ex-director for giving a sworn testimony in court,

Tun Mahathir never needs to explain himself, of course.

In any case, it appears that the practise of holding UMNO party funds or assets in the personal name of the President on behalf of the party is not new and this practise is decades-old. And I am pretty sure the Realmild assets were not reflected in UMNO's accounts then too,

I am going to stop replying to the rest of the Chedet's blog post since he continues to basically recycles allegations of govt selling cheap land to 1MDB and also buying power plants cheaply and selling it "very expensive" to China's company.

I will just ask Tun M and others to read my past blog posts:
Helping Tun M understand the RM17b 1MDB-Edra sale

Oh... one final thing. It is you who keep using foreign media to attack and bad-mouth Malaysia.

It all started with the "They still owe it all to me" interview you gave to The Australian in June - followed by interviews with New York Times and then a TV interview with BBC.

And no thanks to your two followers - Matthias Chang and Khairuddin - too, for going on a round-the-trip world to Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, France, UK and even wanted to go to the USA to keep making police reports.

On Monday at Muhyiddin's special night ceramah  when Tun M said Malaysia will become a pengemis country and Muhyiddin said Malaysia will become a failed state, that is the sign that these two have lost all credibility and become desperate - exactly like Uncle Lim Kit Siang who has been repeating the same failed state/bankrupt fairy tales for 40 years.

The fight between Tun M/Muhyiddin and Najib is nothing more than a power struggle. It is as simple and straight-forward as that.

It is not about seeking the truth about 1MDB or RM2.6b,

Those misguided people who think that this fight is really about seeking the truth about 1MDB or RM2.6b should also seek the truth from Tun M and Muhyiddin why Pak Lah and Khairy Jamaluddin remains free-men and never investigated despite Tun M and Muhyiddin making all sorts of allegations of scandal and corruption against Pak Lah and Son-In-Law for many years.

Perhaps Tun M can answer this?

BTW, Tun M really should not really question the economic performance of Najib's first 6 years in charge as it compares really favorably compared to Tun M's first 6 years or his last 6 years, Read this: Let's analyze Tun Mahathir's scare-mongering tactics over the economy

If you had look at the hard facts in that article above, you can see that Najib has had a good start and has vastly outperformed Mahathir in their first 6 years in charge.

But if you need more convincing, have a look at this table:


  1. Hahaha very good reply LSS. You are superb and you are so amazing and brilliant than Tun Mahathir the grandpa. The senile oldman is no match to you.

  2. ..conveniently having selective memory.. someone ought to give this mamaq two tight slaps..

  3. Thanks a million LSS for being fast and precise...
    How I 'd wished the 2 Ms just stop making fools of themselves. The more they open their mouths, the sillier they appeard... One M chose to have selective dementia while the other M is just simply a pak turut. Btw, the 2nd M looked pathetic, 'smiling memanjang' in the UMNO MT Special Meeting last night.....

    Nenek Kampung
