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Sunday, 13 December 2015

Sarawak Report has fighting spirit!

Perhaps disappointed that the UMNO Assembly did not proceed as per their plans and that PM Najib came out the clear winner, it looks like Clare Brown has gotten really desperate and published this "major exclusive  (her words)" Jho Low Is Confirmed As The Sole Shareholder Of Good Star.

To recap, Good Star inc is the company that Sarawak Report has alleged to belong to Jho Low and th company where USD700 million was deposited into it by 1MDB as part of their Joint-venture agreement with Saudi Arabia's PetroSaudi.

I admire her unwillingness to give up and her fighting spirit but don't you think the timing is suspicious? This story really sounds like an after-thought and really cannot accomplish much.

She should have published this before the UMNO assembly started rather than on a Sunday after the event. What else would make the UMNO delegates more angry than Najib allowing a fat Chinese boy colluding with a bunch of dodgy Pak Arabs to steal billions of Malaysia's money?

Anyway, back to her story. She says that she now have proof that Good Star is owned by Jho Low but she does not explain the following:
  • Why would Prince Turki, the governor of Saudi Arabia's largest province and capital city Riyadh and 7th son of Saudi Arabia's absolute monarch King Abdullah wants to pakat with a fat Malaysian Chinese boy to steal Malaysia's money?
  • How come PetroSaudi never complain that they were not paid as per the Joint-venture agreement and that money belonging to them was diverted to Jho Low but continued on with the joint-venture for 3 years?
  • How come PetroSaudi itself has confirmed multiple times that Good Star Inc has always belonged to them?
  • Why is it that 1MDB received back all the USD1.83 billion that it put into the JV and even made USD488m of profits with the remainder balance all guaranteed by the Abu Dhabi Govt?
  • Why over the course of 5 years two of the largest international auditor firms (KMPG and Deloitte) and our own Auditor General could not detect any trace of missing billions?
So what proof did Sarawak Report say they have that Good Star belongs to Jho Low? 

In their words, their proof is "documentation submitted to various international regulators.."!!

That's her proof! No documentation, no certificates, no testimony - nothing. We are expected to trust her words.

Clare doesn't mention who are these international regulators and neither does she say why these international agencies would even bother giving her all these details of their confidential investigations.

In fact, this picture of her "proof "(or perhaps secara hiasan) she posted in her Sarawak Report article is really just a company incorporation document with the name of the company blacked out!

Jho Low Is Confirmed As The Sole Shareholder Of Good Star - MAJOR EXCLUSIVE!

Not only that but in her article, she accused one of the world's leading and oldest law-firm, the New York-based White & Case (founded 1901) of deliberately making a mistake to say that Good Star is owned by PetroSaudi and perhaps also collaborating with Jho Low to cheat 1MDB.

For good measure, she also accused RBS Coutts, one of the oldest banks in the world (founded in the year 1692) and at that time owned by  The Royal Bank of Scotland of conspiring with Jho Low to steal 1MDB's money.

This is what Clare Brown wrote:
"Yet again, private banks appear to have worked hand in glove with off-shore havens and the UK based incoporation agency (Offshore Incorporations Limited) to assist the transfers of enormous sums of money of dubious origin."
And finally, this is where it gets really scary....

Clare Brown apparently got very angry at prominent British businessman Rick Haythornthwaite. which she claimed is PetroSaudi's president.

She apparently wrote an email to Mr Haythornthwaite and got a rude reply, 

This was the email that Clare Brown published in Sarawak Report.

From: Rick Haythornthwaite <>Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: Letter sent by PetroSaudi claiming ownership of Good Star Limited, Seychelles
To: Sarawak Report <
Dear Mrs Rewcastle 
Having now done some research into your background, it is clear that you are an active campaigning blogger rather than an objective journalist with a desire to understand the true facts behind this matter. 
That your email to me contains fundamental factual errors – not least suggesting that I am, or have ever been, chairman of PetroSaudi International – reinforces my concerns about your credibility. 
Therefore, even if I were to be in possession of information relevant to your query, I would be unwilling to assist you in your questionable activities. 
Essentially in that email, Mr Haythornthwaite is calling Clare Rewcastle Brown:
  • not a journalist who wants to understand the true facts
  • has many fundamental factual errors in her accusation
  • has questionable credibility and engages in questionable activities
Clare Brown (right) being called no credibility, flawed facts and have no desire for the truth by MaserCard Chairman
This means Clare Brown was called a lying person with a hidden agenda with no objective to find out about the true facts.

This made Clare Brown really really angry and she wrote that she is revealing Mr Haythornthwaite' email address and is asking her Sarawak Report readers to spam him:
"And we offer readers of Sarawak Report Mr Haythornthwaite’s email address, so that they can let him know that this blog is not alone in its concerns over what happened at this company under his watch and that it is to add insult to injury to trivialise and ignore the theft of billions from Malaysia’s development fund."
This is one very vindictive and vicious lady indeed!!!

Now, "Rick" or full name, Richard Haythornthwaite is no ordinary businessman. You can read his biography in Bloomberg here.

On top of being a director in many very large companies, Mr. Haythornthwaite is the current Chairman  (since 2006) of MasterCard International (yes, Visa card's competitor) and the current Chairman of UK's largest gas supply and electricity company Centrica PLC with about £30. billion (or RM200 billion) per year revenue.

Being called a "lying woman with a hidden agenda with no objective to find out about the true facts." by a person as credible as Rick Haythornthwaite must have really hurt,

Add this hurt to the recently-concluded UMNO General Assembly where Najib came out the true winner and stronger must have forced Clare Brown to grasp at straws and post this completely ridiculous allegation today on Sarawak Report.

Give it up, Clare Brown and Sarawak Report! 1

1MDB is already fully investigated and everyone connected have already given their testimony. It is already well on its rationalization plan with more than RM30 billion of its debt resolved.

Even Bloomberg said last week that "1MDB mess is fixed"

Stop your nonsense Miss Brown the game is over. It is check-mate already.

You are starting to sound even more ridiculous - bordering on the insanely vindictive.


  1. Dia nak gaji dari Tun M lah tu. Nanti harta dia kena lelong pulak

  2. In the end, she exposes herself the devil in her.

  3. Soon she going to be sued for exposure of another person email without the owner consent.

  4. Clare Rewcastle-Brown has certainly become desperate and her call for people to back her up by e-mailing Rick is typical of a cyberpunk, not a professional journalist. Also why black out the name on that company certificate when if it indeed is Good Star Inc., why hide it?

    However, whilst it may appear to be "GAME OVER" with Najib having checkmated his UMNO warlord opponents, he may have only won the battle, whilst his opponents are plotting another round of attacks to continue the war, so let's wait and see what happens next.

  5. ha..ha Tony Pua just posted abut this in his FB, read what his fanatic fans are screaming abo6t

  6. Clare is never short of new stories but they only aggregate of her more absurd character

  7. What makes you all think R Haythorn is not an international crook?

    1. I guess you COULD be right. But then again, they let Rick be the Chairman of that MasterCard company that processes USD 5 trillion worth of transactions per year even though he COULD be an international crook.

      I would trust him slightly more than Clare Brown. Just slightly more.

  8. I think she knows that the Game is truly over and the key players of the plot are exposed.

  9. What a shame...for all her accusations, she's been labelled not an objective journalist. It hurts but good for her anyway for her failed ploy. Pity to Tony P, Mahathir and geng trapped by her game.
